April is Occupational Therapy Month and we are providing helpful OT tips for families to support your child at home all month. But first, what is Occupational Therapy? And how can it help your child?

Occupational Therapy is all about helping your child be independent in their daily lives. OT can help your child build play skills, social skills, fine motor skills, and so much more!

Help with Sleep

Did you know OT can help your child with sleep? Sleep is an important occupation that many children have difficulties with! We work with your family to help establish routines and support your child to prepare for bedtime! Click here to read tips from our OT team to help with sleep challenges.

Help with Handwriting

Did you know that OT can help your child with handwriting? This is a very common concern for parents: my child’s handwriting is hard to read, or they can’t yet write their name, what can I do? Occupational Therapists have a unique perspective on development of skills needed for handwriting. We can help break down the task of handwriting into manageable and successful steps! Click here to watch the MeBe Learning webinar on Fine Motor Skills and Handwriting.

Help with Feeding and Eating

Did you know that OT can help your child with feeding and eating difficulties? We know that feeding is one of the most important occupations your child does every single day, and we also know just how worrisome/ stressful/ scary it can feel if your child has trouble in this area. OTs can help support your child build the skills to find success during mealtime. Click here to view the MeBe Learning webinar on feeding disorders and tips for helping your child with feeding challenges at home.

Help with Getting Dressed

Did you know that OT can help your child with getting dressed? Occupational therapists know how to break down tasks to set your child up for success. Whether your child is having trouble with buttons and zippers, putting on shoes on the correct feet, balancing on one leg to put on pants, and anything else in between, OTs can help! Click here to view the MeBe Learning webinar on Tools for Teaching Independence, including dressing for more helpful information.

Help with Attending to Tasks

Did you know that OT can help your child attend to tasks? OT works with children to support sensory processing skills to assist them with focusing on tasks, help their bodies calm down and be ready for work, and promote engagement with others. Click here to check out our MeBe Learning webinar series on support for distance learning and attending to tasks.

At MeBe, we provide Occupational Therapy for children in a fun and motivating environment to help your child develop the skills they need to play, learn, and thrive! Contact us to learn more about Occupational Therapy at MeBe.

For helpful tips from our Occupational Therapy team, check out @mebefamily on Instagram and Facebook and visit the MeBe Family YouTube channel.