Did you know that MeBe Speech Language Pathologists are able to help with all aspects of communication? This can include your child’s understanding of language (receptive language), use of language (expressive language), and ability to engage and respond in social situations.

In celebration of Better Speech and Hearing Month we are highlighting all of the wonderful skills our SLPs are able to help your child build with YOUR help!

Help with Communication

Speech Language Pathologists can help your child when they struggle to respond to simple directions (“go get your cup!”), have difficulty using speech sounds (“ta” for car), exhibit difficulty in reading and writing, struggle in conversations with peers, have so much to say but are unintelligible, plus so much more!

We celebrate our MeBe Speech Language Pathologists and their ability to identify your child’s unique difficulties and help create a plan that is individualized and unique to your child! No two kiddos are the same, and we can help you to identify what communication needs you child could benefit from and create a plan that works for your family.

At MeBe our goal is to help you feel empowered as a parent to help your child. We know how difficult and frustrating not being able to communicate can be for children and families.

Early Intervention

If you are wondering if your child could benefit from Speech and Language Therapy, don’t wait. Early intervention is vital for setting your child up for success and it’s never too early to get started. At MeBe we work with children as young as 15 months old to support language and communication development.

Possible Signs Your Child Needs Speech and Language Therapy:


Does my child understand what I say to her or him?
Can my child answer questions about her or his day?
Can my child follow multiple directions during daily routines or in school?
Or does she or he still not seem to understand when I repeat directions over and over?
Can my child ask for what she or he wants?

Speech Sound

Do people understand my child?
Do I find myself having to interpret what my child says?
Does my child sound like her or his peers?
Does my child have difficulty saying sounds, get stuck while talking, or repeat sounds while trying to say a particular word?

Pragmatic Language (Social Skills)

Does my child smile and laugh during interactions?
Does my child look at me when we are speaking?
Is my child able to understand when someone else is happy, sad, or mad?
Can my child have a conversation with her or his friends?

If you are concerned your child may be behind in their communication skills, contact us today and we can help you decide what course of therapy best suits your child.

At MeBe, our Speech and Language Therapy team works with your family to make communicating verbally and nonverbally a positive experience, so your child can find their unique voice and make themselves understood. Contact us to learn more about Speech and Language Therapy at MeBe.

For helpful tips from our Speech Language Pathology team, check out @mebefamily on Instagram and Facebook and visit the MeBe Family YouTube channel.