Co-founder & Executive Clinical Director
I began my career as a special education teacher. That experience taught me that children facing challenges related to a speech, language, or autism spectrum disorder don’t make much progress in typical school programs.
It was only when I began training in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) that I knew I’d found my calling. ‘This is science, and it works,’ was my initial reaction, and everything I’ve done and experienced since then has reinforced that early impression. I find it immensely satisfying to work with a set of research-based principles that can be tailored to each individual’s needs. And nothing beats the thrill of teaching ABA techniques to a family then watching them get the same positive results with their child that we get. Those moments are energizing and transformational for all of us. In launching a clinician-owned-and-operated practice, I resolved to keep growing as a clinician and to develop the clinical skills of my staff. I do everything in my power to support their drive and creativity in delivering individualized ABA therapies that promote the best possible outcomes for every child.
- MeBe Co-founder and Executive Clinical Director (2013-Present)
- Board Certified Behavior Analyst (2012) with over 15 years of experience with children with developmental disabilities
- Graduate Certificate, Applied Behavior Analysis, George Mason University (2012)
- Master of Education, Special Education, George Mason University (2009)
- Bachelor of Science, Sociology, Clemson University (2005)